"Volta sopra a Montemagno già forte habitata dà nobili cattani, [...], al presente habitata da Lambardi; gi ben habitata, hoggi discosta la ruina dall'habitato mezzo miglio dove si vede anco parte della fortezza con la distruttione di case circa 200 [...]". (Bianco Bianchi, "Historie della Terra di Camaiore", 1528 - 1532).

Where: Camaiore – frazione di Gombitelli

When: 1021 - 1249


The castle of Gombitelli is one of the oldest in the Versilia area and it belonged to the lords of Montemagno. It is currently a private property. There are the remains of two towers placed on the upper part and some sections of a wall placed on the side of Torcigliano. A dense vegetation surrounds what remains of the quarterdeck or cassero (the Rocca di Gombitelli) and part of the residential area, not unlike the buildings of the castle of Montecastrese.

Oral and written documents also confirm the existence of a church dedicated to San Michele, whose ruins are unfortunately concealed by the surrounding vegetation.

Possession of the nobles of Montemagno, from the castle of Gombitelli it was possible to control the Via del Passo del Lucese which led to Emilia. From the two towers of the structure were also visible the castles ofMontemagno e Peralla. In 1242 the castle was destroyed by the municipality of Lucca, together with that of Montemagno.

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Comune di Camaiore



Piazza S. Bernardino da Siena, 1
55041 Camaiore (LU)
Centralino: (+39) 05849861
Fax: 0584 986264
Numero Verde: 800 015689
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Polizia Municipale: 0584 986700
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