Organization: Town of Camaiore – collaborate the Accademia Italiana del Peperoncino
Realizatio date: 10th and 11th October 2020 – 13^ Edition
Event Duartion : 2 days
Location: Historical center Camaiore
To get information: Tourism and Sport Office - Comune di Camaiore
Tel. 0584 986312/204/211 - Fax 0584 986297 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The 'FESTA PIC " is a manifestation organized by the Municipality of Camaiore in collaboration with The “Accademia Italian del peperoncino”, which promotes the manifestation in national setting  .. Starting since 2008 (the year of its first edition) the event is annually realized in October and set in the historic center of Camaiore, for the duration of two days.  The aim of the event is to enhance the chili and make known its properties and specificity through exhibition stands (exhibition and sale) and the organization of multiple side activities related to the theme of the event.  The exhibitors at the PIC festival are mainly farms of Versilia (this in order to promote the excellence of the local production), but they can come from all Italian regions.  It 's easy, in fact, to find manufacturers from Calabria and in general from southern Italy, as the main producers of chili and products associated with it.  In the order to enhance the artisan production without stopping to straightforward and simple sales itself, the participating exhibitors are in most cases the direct producers of the offered product. To frame the stands, set up in the historical center, are proposed workshops for schools, exhibitions, exhibitions related to the theme "spicy" and cultural meetings devoted to the deepening of care / maintenance of the chili plant and its multiple uses, with particular reference to the kitchen.
With  the festival square and with the exposure of various chili types from all over the world, every year, the highlights of the event, is the award of the Prize to the "Character PIC" appointed by the Council of Wise Men of the 'Italian Academy of chili” Chaired by Enzo Monaco and Cino Tortorella. As tradition the character is chosen from a list of names identified during the course of the chili’s Festival of Diamante in Calabria.  The particularly of the prize is in delivery of local products and pepper equal to the weight of the winner.  Among the winners are: Vittorio Sgarbi, the journalist Beppe Cruciani, Gene Gnocchi and many more.


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Comune di Camaiore



Piazza S. Bernardino da Siena, 1
55041 Camaiore (LU)
Centralino: (+39) 05849861
Fax: 0584 986264
Numero Verde: 800 015689
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