Organization: Camaiore’s town
Realization date: 29th and 30th may 2021
Event duration: 2 days
Location: Historical centre of Camaiore
To get information: Tourism and Sport Office - Comune di Camaiore

Tel. 0584 986312/204/211 - Fax 0584 986297 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


It’s the Via dell’Orto: the Festival of gardens, seeds, herbs and herbariums is an annual event organized by the city of Camaiore. The manifestation is also part of “Circuito delle manifestazioni amiche”, in which are entered the main fairs of gardening and of Italian horticulture including: “Verdemura” and “Murabilia” of Lucca, “Harborea” of Livorno, “Franciacorta in Fiore”, “Florealfest” of Udine and “Orticolario” of Como.

The vegetable garden represents one of the excellence passion of Camaiore’s citizens, devoted always to agriculture, by virtue of the special geographical vocation-morphological of the territory of Camaiore. The town, in fact, includes the hills and the mountains particularly suited to cultivation and horticultural and flower production. There are copious companies in Versilia known for the production of vegetable plants and, for this reason, the event was created with the intent to enhance them and to increase the visibility.
During the event are set up in the historical center of Camaiore stands for display and sale vegetable plants, seeds, herbs, tools for vegetables and flowers gardens. Is expected, moreover, the standing of spectacular gardens in the courts, in the streets, squares and on the balconies to show how even the vegetable gardens can be realized in confined urban spaces.
It’s possible to taste local food and wine products and by fruit and vegetable products of local companies in the market at zero kilometers. Often the school of the district municipal V are involved in the creation of vegetable gardens, as well as universities, specifically, the faculty of agriculture of Pisa that each year presents a vegetable garden project built an managed by them. During the two days of the event are offered a variety of side events that are kind a frame to the event itself: exhibition, increasing, workshop for schools, cultural-talkshow related to the horticultural topic, conduced by experts and journalists. 

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Comune di Camaiore



Piazza S. Bernardino da Siena, 1
55041 Camaiore (LU)
Centralino: (+39) 05849861
Fax: 0584 986264
Numero Verde: 800 015689
P.IVA 00190560466
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Numeri Utili

Comune di Camaiore: 800 015689
Servizio Whatsapp Comune di Camaiore:
+39 328 9893221 - Iscriviti - Cancellati
Polizia Municipale: 0584 986700
Citelum Segnalazione Guasti - Pubblica Illuminazione e semafori: 800 978447
Gaia Segnalazione Guasti - Servizio Idrico:
800 234567
Numero Verde ERSU 800 942540
Segnalazioni Varchi Zona Traffico Limitato:
800 277332
Servizio RadioTaxi: 0584 986986


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