Galleria Europa, Lungomare Europa n. 41 - Lido di Camaiore

Galleria EuropaThis expositive space was first used in 2004, and it immediately revealed itself as a useful opportunity for the culture of Camaiore, in the artistic field. The temporary exhibitions bring lots of tourism to the town. The space is run by the Sport and Culture Department that manages all of the space assignments, controls the staging and distmantling of the exhibitions, promotes the advertising materials, the invitations to the conferences. The annual exhibition calendar is usually ratified in January once a year.  The goal is to realise not only exhibitions of local artists, but to widen the field to regional and national artists too, in order to bring high quality tourism to the town, which perfectly connects to the marittime landscape of Lido di Camaiore.
Those who are interested in using this space have to submit to the Culture Department-Galleria Europa their request, attach their artistic curriculum and a catalogue including all the works they want to show (see document section criteria).

Calendario Mostre Galleria Europa 2021

Periodo Artista
11/06 - 13/06 Leonardo Checchia
15/06 - 24/06 Maria Vittoria Papini
26/06 - 03/07 Marina Volpi
04/07 - 10/07 Celestino Pio Casula
12/07 - 19/07 Versilia Football Planet III ed.
22/07 - 01/08 Gianfranco Bianchi
03/08 - 13/08 Rosanna Galbiati
in memoria di MARIO TARANTINO
14/08 - 22/08 Michela Benedetti
23/08 - 08/09 Ilario Costa
09/09 - 12/09
16/09 - 19/09
Samuele Massaro
01/10 - 10/10 Nadia Tarabella
Logo comune

Comune di Camaiore



Piazza S. Bernardino da Siena, 1
55041 Camaiore (LU)
Centralino: (+39) 05849861
Fax: 0584 986264
Numero Verde: 800 015689
P.IVA 00190560466
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Comune di Camaiore: 800 015689
Servizio Whatsapp Comune di Camaiore:
+39 328 9893221 - Iscriviti - Cancellati
Polizia Municipale: 0584 986700
Citelum Segnalazione Guasti - Pubblica Illuminazione e semafori: 800 978447
Gaia Segnalazione Guasti - Servizio Idrico:
800 234567
Numero Verde ERSU 800 942540
Segnalazioni Varchi Zona Traffico Limitato:
800 277332
Servizio RadioTaxi: 0584 986986


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