This pie is typical of Versilia, it takes its name from the fact that once cooked, it has the thickness of an old shoe’s sole, someone has compered it to a pumpinks’ omelette, but it’s not like that, it is very tasty indeed.
We can eat it in small pieces as an appetiser or sometimes as a meal...particularly tasty also cold the next day suitable for trips to the country and picnics too. The ingredients the are used are: courgettes, zucchini blossoms, onions, flour, water, salt, pepper and oil.


For the ingredients that are used we can say that it has a resemblance to a Ferrara’s cake of the XVI century. This pie is a speciality of Camaiore’s kitchen and it was frequently served as a meal in the days of  strict vigil. The making, which varies on the Camaiore’s territory requires to prepare the dough, kneading the flour with the oil, water, eggs, a pinch of salt. With this sheet of dough you have to cover to bottom and the sides of around mold, previously well greased. It’s necessary that the dough overflow from the mold of at least two fingers, because it’s with this access pieces that then we will do the so-called “PIZZI” to ornate the cake. One of the classic recipe includes rice boiled in amounts  proportionate to size the mold, mix it with chopped chard boiled before apart and a little of parsley, grated cheese, pepper, salt and beat eggs, and place this mixture into the lined mold, taking care that it’s not higher than 2 cm. and a half. Fold the extra dough from the mold so that it protrudes well all around the cake, as if they were small pyramids, sharpen “PIZZI”. Dust the surface of the cake with grated cheese and bake it in a hot oven until complete cooked of the puff pastry. It will take about 45 minutes.


it’s the most characteristic dish of Versilia, it was eaten only in great occasions in farmhouses, today is even more entrenched because transmitted to generation in generation. One of the recipes of Camaiore, because also in this case there are many variants, it provides 300 grams of beef and pork, cooked them in hot oil and chop them finely. After cooking them, take the slides of bread softened in broth, to tablespoons of parmesan cheese and one of cheese, two eggs, a bunch of thyme, parsley, a nice grated of nutmeg, salt, pepper and mix everything until it’s blended. Prepare the pasta with four eggs and a pinch of salt, let it rest, roll it out and shape the “tordelli”. Boil them and serves them with ragù meat. Cheese to taste.


Many delicatessens produce a variety of meats among which there are also typical recipes, like Mortadella or Lardo of Camaiore or Biroldo that diversifies as preparation than other places in Tuscany.


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